Community Events
Square Enix hosted two Community Events at their Wimbledon based office, the first taking place on 8 September 2013 and the second on 25 February 2014. The first event received a blog article but the second did not, the second event tied in with the announcement of the game going into Closed Beta.
Lucinvampire made posts about both the events on her blog with a little bit more information about what was shared/shown at the events:
Nosgoth (PC) (Pre-release review) - 8 Sep 13 event
Nosgoth Community Day 2014 - 25 Feb 14 event
Official Nosgoth Blog Article
Community First Impressions of Nosgoth’s Gameplay
AUTHOR: George Kelion, Square Enix
A couple of months ago, we invited some of the most hardcore Legacy of Kain fans in the world over to the Square Enix Europe HQ in Wimbledon, London for a very special occasion. The attendees were drawn from the Legacy of Kain boards over at the Eidos forums and had maintained an active online presence since the release of Legacy of Kain: Defiance, over nine years ago, a demonstration of their passion and commitment to the series.
We were ready for our knowledge about the intricacies of the series to be put to the test, what with the web masters of the most prominent LoK fansites, wikis and other online repositories of information relating to the series making up the audience. Naturally, we were a little nervous, but this was more than outweighed by the pleasure of spending time in the company of fellow series fans.
We started the event with a short presentation sharing details about the game itself, its maps and its playable characters, as well as how and when Nosgoth fits into the Legacy of Kain timeline. We then moved on to a tournament in which members of the Nosgoth team here at Square Enix paired up with community members for 4 vs 4 matches. The eight community members with the highest scores went on to compete in a grand finale, where the four people on the winning team were awarded some rare Legacy of Kain merchandise.
We asked attendees to hold back from sharing their impressions online until we came to formally announce the game a few weeks later and today we’d like to share their stories with you, along with a short quote from each, For their full impressions, be sure to read the full articles!
First up, we have Baziel’s blog from the Legacy of Kain wiki:
Nosgoth: First Looks
"Nosgoth looks stunning and appropriate, the game is playable, enjoyable and cool to appeal to the newcomers and yet there are so many little references to keep the old fans happy without treading on the toes of any major canon issues. And as a game, it does strike me a very good one and one that is trying to do something a little different and unique."
Secondly, we have Raina Audron’s blog from The Ancient’s Den:
Square Enix London– Nosgoth Community Day 2013
"Overall though, I wish I could spend more time with each class as it seems with certain combinations of classes you can achieve some interesting strategy. When we played as humans I think it was better as we all tried to stick together in a group and take the vamps on which worked. Too bad the session was so short; I would have liked to play it much longer."
Next up, we have Lucinvampire’s blog from Lucinvampire’s Lair:
Game: Nosgoth (PC) (Pre-release review)
"The truth is this isn’t the game genre I would usually play and if this wasn’t a vampire game or set in the LoK universe I probably wouldn’t even give it a glance. Now I’ve had a go though I can’t wait to get it and get online and play with some online chums and hopefully make some new ones in the process! Why? Because it’s a fangtastically FUN game to play!"
We also have this blog from Blinc of The Lost Worlds:
Nosgoth Community Day
"The way Square-Enix are handling this is really fascinating to me. They are using what I think of as "the Minecraft model" of releasing the basic game quickly, and then expanding on it based on feedback and use by actual players. I'm genuinely curious to see how that turns out, especially with the series in such good hands."
And last, but by no means least, we have the following post on NeoGAF by Mama Robotnik:
My visit to Square Enix London (Legacy of Kain related)
"It was a remarkable weekend, and probably my most surreal experience as a gamer. As much fun as it was to visit a development studio, and play a genuine work-in-progress game, my most memorable moments were meeting fellow fans from all over the world for the first time, all paid for by Square. The Legacy of Kain fans are awesome people."
We all had a terrific time that day and also gathered some very useful feedback, some of which we’re working on right now and look forward to sharing the results with you in the not-too-distant future.
In the meantime, we hope this whets your appetite for the approaching Closed Beta phase – register for entry by following this link.
Official Photos from the Nosgoth Community Day 8 September 2013