Leagues Continued
Continuation of League forum posts:
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Nosgoth League Returns with Beta 4.0!
Posted by Oghamsmith on the official forum 14 Dec 15
As recent skirmishes over flashpoints and bodies subside, competition in Nosgoth heats up once again with the return of Nosgoth Leagues!
The Spoils of War
Featuring a new $10,000 Prize pool, League Beta 4.0 retains the same prizing structure as years gone by. Whether you want to climb to the mightiest heights of the Eternal tier, or simply scramble as high as you can while having a good time with friends, we've got you covered.
This season’s in-game reward for reaching the Blood tier or above is a brand new ability for the Sentinel! We'll have more details for you about the ability as the season develops. When finally ready, the ability will be available in the store as always, but players Blood and above during League Beta 4.0 will receive an exclusive version of the ability that has its own unique visual FX.
Season 4.0
Those aren't the only new changes that Beta 4.0 introduces. We’ll be testing two new League setups as well. First up, we’re testing theLeague Beta allowing 4 player teams. And secondly, we’re testing the League Beta running 24/7.
As with any Beta League season, we’ll be keeping a close eye on how the season progress. As far as the behavior of League participants goes, these are two big changes, and we will be sure to make adjustments to the League if needed.
Join the fight!
Signing up to the League is as simple as loading up Nosgoth, getting to at least level 10; and agreeing to the Beta 3.0 League Terms and Conditions. With that done, you’ll want to jump into League matches to start racking up those points and climbing the leaderboard.
Vital Statistics
Time to get down to brass tacks. Let’s take a look at a few key league points:
Start & End Date:
Beta League 4.0 is currently underway, and runs until the 18th of January at 3pm GMT/5am PST
League Match Times:
During League Beta 4.0 will be live 24/7 until the end of the season!
Age – Not for little Humans:
As Nosgoth is a mature game, participants must of course be at least 18 years of age to play and compete.
Terms and Conditions:
You can check out the Terms & Conditions HERE, you’ll need to agree to those in-game to be eligible for the prizes.
League Structure:
Nosgoth League Beta 4.0 will run until the 18th of January. During this time your goal is to climb as far up the ladder as possible. You’ll do this by playing well, coordinating with your team; and winning League matches.
Once all positions have been verified, in-game prizing will be distributed approximately 3 weeks later . Should you make it to the Eternal tier, you will receive an email from Square Enix detailing the next steps for tprize collection.
Get In-Game, And Get Slaying!
Alright everyone. That’s it for the time being. It’s time to jump in-game and start climbing that ladder!
Should you have any further questions, we’ve put together a super quick FAQ that may answer them. If you’ve still got questions after that, please feel free to pop them in the comments here.
How will monetary prizes be delivered?
PayPal will be the primary method, although those who cannot use PayPal will be able to provide us with your bank account details.
We’re working in conjunction with the fine folks over at ESL to get the monetary prizes to the top 100 players. You’ll receive an email from Square Enix once the season is over with further steps to take.
How do I know if my Steam and Square Enix Accounts are linked?
If they’re not linked, you’ll see a prompt to link them whenever you load the game. If you don’t see that prompt, then your accounts are linked. Hooray!
League Beta 2.0 & 3.0 Eternal Prizing
Cash Prizes for League Beta 2.0 will be sent out by ESL tomorrow
ESL will be sending out an email to all Eternal tier players from League 3.0 later this evening. Please reply to that email with the details for the account that you want them to pay your prize to. Please be aware that even if you sent your details for League Beta 2.0, you still need to send your details for League Beta 3.0 as well.
League Beta 3.0 cash prizes will be sent out by ESL on the 15th of January.
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
League Beta 5.0 is Live!
Posted by Oghamsmith on the official forum 1 Feb 16
Taking the best of League season testing to date and wrapping it up into one solid package, you won’t want to miss League beta 5.0!
What is a League Beta?
Want to see how your Nosgoth skills compare to the rest of the world? Like winning profile borders, keys, skins and maybe even cash prizes? Then Nosgoth Leagues are for you! Here, your skills will be put to the test as you face some of the stiffest competition to be found across the world of Nosgoth. Compare your prowess to the rest in the world via global rankings, or maybe just focus on beating your friends. That one friend who insists he could 1v1 you but never takes you up on your challenge? With Leagues, you can get a good idea of whether or not he’s blowing hot air.
During the League Beta, we are trialing different League configurations, to see which work the best, and which you guys like the most; before moving into the fully live Nosgoth Leagues Season 1 (as opposed to Nosgoth Leagues Beta).
League Beta 5.0:
Picking the best parts of Leagues Beta seasons to date, 5.0 pulls everything together into a pretty strong package. This season will utilise the following format:
24/7 League – There are no limitations to League play times, compete whenever you want!
4v4 – While 5v5 TDM was very warmly received, 4v4 is where the heart of competitive Nosgoth lays.
Max Party Size 2 – Grab a friend and jump onto the battlefield
1 Month Duration – Season 5.0 will last for approximately 1 month - Starting on February 1st and running until the 29th of February (inclusive)
Age – Not for little Humans: As Nosgoth is a mature game, participants must of course be at least 18 years of age to play and compete.
Terms and Conditions - You can check out the Terms & Conditions HERE, you must agree to these terms in-game in order to be eligible for prizing.
The Spoils of War
Featuring a new $10,000 prize pool for the season, League Beta 5.0 retains the same prize structure as years gone by. Whether you want to climb to the mightiest heights of the Eternal tier, or simply fight through the Leagues while having a good time with friends, we've got you covered. Cash prizing will be distributed in the following fashion:
This season’s Blood tier prize is an exclusive weapon for the forthcoming Beastmaster class. Going by the name "Hunter's Gold", most successful Beastmasters melt down the armour of vanquished enemies and use it to gild their weapons, showing off their prowess to others.
Join the fight today!
Signing up to the League is as simple as loading up Nosgoth, getting to at least level 10; and agreeing to the League Terms and Conditions (if you haven’t done so during previous League Beta seasons). With that done, you’ll want to jump into League matches to start racking up those points and climbing the leaderboard.
How will monetary prizes be delivered?
PayPal will be the primary method, although those who cannot use PayPal will be able to provide us with your bank account details.
We’re working in conjunction with the fine folks over at ESL to get the monetary prizes to the top 100 players. You’ll receive an email from Square Enix once the season is over with further steps to take.
When will I receive my prize?
All in-game prizing is typically delivered approximately a week after the season ends.
Cash prizes take approximately one and a half months to deliver. This is to provide ESL with enough time to contact you for the account details into which your winnings will be sent, and the processing of the payments to take place.
Where is Sonic Boom, my League Beat 4.0 prize?
Sonic Boom will be released alongside Nosgoth's next game update !
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
League Beta 6.0 steps forth from the darkness
Posted by Oghamsmith on the official forum 1 Mar 16
Want to see how your Nosgoth skills compare to the rest of the world? Like winning profile borders, keys, in-game gear and maybe even cash prizes? Then Nosgoth Leagues are for you! Here, your skills will be put to the test as you face some of the stiffest competition to be found across the world of Nosgoth. Compare your prowess to the rest in the world via global rankings, or maybe just focus on beating your friends. That one friend who insists he could 1v1 you but never takes you up on your challenge? With Leagues, you can get a good idea of whether or not he’s blowing hot air.
During the League Beta, we are trialing different League configurations to see which work the best, and which you guys like the most; before moving into the fully live Nosgoth Leagues Season 1 (as opposed to Nosgoth Leagues Beta).
League Beta 6.0:
As the Nosgoth League Beta series has progressed, we have experimented with a wide variety of League configurations. During the last few League betas, we have begun to hone in on the format that the majority of players seem to appreciate, which is great! One suggestion that we've seen from many League players is to increase the minimum level required to compete in Nosgoth Leagues. We've taken that feedback on board and have increased the mimimum level required to enter Leagues from level 10 to level 15. That approximately doubles the playtime required to unlock access to Nosgoth Leagues. With this change in place, we will be looking to see how it impacts the Leagues throughout a season.
This season will utilise the following format:
24/7 League – There are no limitations to League play times, compete whenever you want!
Minimum Level 15 - Players must be at least level 15 to access Nosgoth Leagues
4v4 – While 5v5 TDM was very warmly received, 4v4 is where the heart of competitive Nosgoth lays.
Max Party Size 2 – Grab a friend and jump onto the battlefield
1 Month Duration – Season 6.0 will last for approximately 1 month - Starting on March 1st and running until the 31st of March (inclusive)
Age – Not for little Humans: As Nosgoth is a mature game, participants must of course be at least 18 years of age to play and compete.
Terms and Conditions - You can check out the Terms & Conditions HERE, you must agree to these terms in-game in order to be eligible for prizing.
The Spoils of War
Featuring a new $10,000 prize pool for the season, League Beta 6.0 retains the same prize structure as seasons gone by. Whether you want to climb to the mightiest heights of the Eternal tier, or simply fight through the Leagues while having a good time with friends, we've got you covered. Cash prizing will be distributed in the following fashion:
This season’s Blood tier prize is an exclusive Nosgoth Leagues variant of the base Tyrant's Armour skin. These most devoted of Tyrants have demonstrated their dedication to high skilled compeition by permanently marking themselves with a Nosgoth Leagues symbol on the right side of their chest. Should you make it into the Blood tier or above, you too will have irrefutable proof of your hard earned exploit.
Join the fight today!
Signing up to the League is as simple as loading up Nosgoth, getting to at least level 15; and agreeing to the League Terms and Conditions (if you haven’t done so during previous League Beta seasons). With that done, you’ll want to jump into League matches to start racking up those points and climbing the leaderboard.
We know you guys are likely eager to see the Nosgoth Leagues Tryant, we're working hard to get a picture of him to you early next week. In the meantime, we would love to know whether or not you're happy to see an increase to the minimum required level to participate in Leagues? Let us know below!
How will monetary prizes be delivered?
PayPal will be the primary method, although those who cannot use PayPal will be able to provide us with your bank account details.
We’re working in conjunction with the fine folks over at ESL to get the monetary prizes to the top 100 players. You’ll receive an email from Square Enix once the season is over with further steps to take.
When will I receive my prize?
All in-game prizing is typically delivered approximately a week after the season ends.
Cash prizes take approximately one and a half months to deliver. This is to provide ESL with enough time to contact you for the account details into which your winnings will be sent, and the processing of the payments to take place.
Where is Sonic Boom, my League Beat 4.0 prize?
Sonic Boom will be released alongside Nosgoth's next game update !
What about my beautiful golden Beastermaster shotgun?
That will be delivered to your inventory as soon as the Beastmaster is released
Leagues - Official images and promotional images

Leagues - In game screenshot

Leagues - In game member promotion screenshots