Fan Art
The artwork below is by various artists, each gallery or image is displayed with the artists name above, all artwork pieces are property of the artist. The artwork that has been shared here is done so with the artists consent. If you would like to further share one of their pieces out of courtesy please either contact the artist direct or post a message on the ToN Forums.
If you would like your Nosgoth or Legacy of Kain artwork featured on this site please share it on the Tales of Nosgoth Facebook Group, stating you would like your piece added to the site and include the name you would like displayed with it.
Artwork by Varulven

Artwork by RoxenBloodweaver

Artwork by killing_random

Artwork by Melchiah of Nosgoth

Artwork by Andrew Nosgothian (Mobiel Phone Home Screen Wallpapers)

Artwork by Andrew Nosgothian (T-shirt designs)
Images taken from Nosgoth which have been modified to create hi-res t-shirt print designs, these images work successfully on www.spreadshirt.com but can probably be applied to other t-shirt printing sites. Examples of the t-shirts can be found on the Other Fanworks page.