Throughout Nosgoth’s Beta there were several leagues seasons, details and the posts about them can be found below.
The League Seasons
League Alpha Series
League Alpha Test – 2-7 Jul 2015
League Alpha Test 2 – 20-23 Jul 2015
League Beta 1 Series – in game prizes were League Banner and Bloody Victor Alchemist:
League Beta 1 – 1-29 Jul 2015
League Beta 1.2 – 9-15 Sep 2015
League Beta 1.3 (Solo) – 22-28 Sep 2015
League Beta 1.3 (Party) – 22-28 Sep 2015
League Series Continued
League 2 – 1 Oct 2015, in game prize Bloody Victor Hunter skin
League 3 – 3 Nov 2015, in game prize Vanguard shield
League 4 – 18 Jan 2016, in game prize Sentinel Sonic Boom variant
League 5 – 1 Feb 2016, in game prize Beastmaster Gold Shotgun
League 6 – 1 Mar 2016, in game prize Tyrant skin
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Nosgoth Leagues Alpha Starts Today (July 2)
Posted by Saikocat on the official forum 2 Jul 2016
Today's game update brings with it the start of a brand new exciting feature for Nosgoth – League Rankings. The Leagues system gives all players the chance to try some competitive ranked matches in the game, and earn goodies in the process.
With this initial Alpha release, we’ll be turning the Leagues mode on during specific times, and running this for one week. This is the initial Alpha test of the feature, where we’ll be looking for YOUR feedback! For more detailed information on how Leagues work, check out this blog from Jonathan Osbourne, Designer at Square Enix Montreal.
League – What Is It?
Our League feature is a season-based ranking system, where you can play matches against others, and get placed in a ladder system depending on how well you perform. Our initial Alpha run of the feature is for a "Solo Series", where you play competitive matches and work your way up the ladder system, proving your individual skill.
How Do I Take Part?
We’ll be running an initial Alpha session for a week, from Thursday July 2nd through Wednesday July 8th , during this specific time window each day.
11am PST to 8pm PST / 7pm BST to 4am BST
Use this converter to check local times.
During those times, all you’ll need to do is click on PLAY and then LEAGUES , to access the new competitive matches. Once you’ve played a few matches, we’d really love to hear what you think, so join the discussions on our forums or social media pages and share your feedback! What you want from Leagues will really define where we take it, but you can read more about that in our other blog update.
You mentioned goodies…
Everyone that helps test out our Leagues Alpha will receive double XP in that game mode, helping you level up faster. If you complete 5 competitive matches during our League Alpha/Beta, you’ll also get a special player banner. That banner is only available during these initial tests Alpha/Beta tests.
We have updated the drops in Ranked mode, so it includes new exclusive Occult items (with a Witchfire effect).
We’ll be updating you all with a lovely screenshot once it’s ready, but we’ll also be adding a free awesome Hunter skin during the Beta phase that you’ll be able to unlock for free by hitting the “GOLD” rank.
Join us today for the Alpha release of League Rankings, and the start of an exciting new chapter for Nosgoth.
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Nosgoth League Rankings Alpha 2 from July 20-23
Posted by Saikocat on the official forum 15 Jul 2015
Ahead of the recently announced League Rankings Beta, we will be running a short Alpha test of the feature, following some recent fixes and changes to the system.
From July 20th through 23rd the League Rankings Alpha matches will be available again, with all rankings reset to run this new test. This test will run during this time window each day: 6pm – 4am BST / 10am – 8pm PDT (local timings)
As with the previous session, you will have a chance to earn Occult item drops at the end of League matches, and will receive the exclusive Player Banner for completing 5 matches.
During this test, we’ll have a few adjustments going in, but the main changes will be to the league placements themselves. During this time we will be closely monitoring the feature and all your feedback, so make sure you tell us how you’re getting on! Keep an eye on the blog, as we'll share further detail ahead of time on what other changes are included.
Join us on July 20th, 21st and 23rd for the second League Rankings Alpha test. Vae victis!
Nosgoth League Rankings Beta Starts July 29th *UPDATE*
Posted by Saikocat on the official forum 14 Jul 2015
The Nosgoth League Rankings Beta has been postponed by one day, and will now start on July 29th.
Earlier this month we launched the Alpha of an exciting new feature for Nosgoth – League Rankings. For the more competitive-minded players, League Rankings is your outlet, allowing you to do battle in competitive matches against other Nosgoth players, and work your way up our ladder system. The Alpha release of our League Rankings ended, and we are now happy to announce the next phase.
From July 28th through August 24th we will be running our League Rankings BETA test, from 10am – 8pm PDT each day. For the release of this next phase, we’re including a few improvements and fixes to the mode, as well as our new rewards.
To start with, we will be adjusting the Leaver penalty, based on all the feedback we received from everyone. For this Beta release, the Leaver penalty will be increased to a 10 minute cooldown (instead of 3 minutes), ahead of our tiered leaver penalty system. It will also be possible to lose points even if you are at the lowest rank, by abandoning a match. Penalties will be made clearer within the in-game menus, and if another player is penalised it’ll also be displayed during your match. We’ll share more detail on the fixes and improvements we’re making, closer to the launch date.
As this is an updated release of the League Rankings, you would start with a new ranking by completing 5 matches. After that, it’s up to you to climb up or maintain your rank, to be eligible for our cool new rewards. For participating in the upcoming Beta season of LeagueRankings, players will be eligible for the following rewards:
Players finishing the Beta season in the Eternal tier will receive 4 chest keys and an exclusive Hunter Skin.
Players finishing the Beta season in the Platinum (previously called “Blood”) tier will receive 3 chest keys and an exclusive Hunter Skin.
Players finishing the Beta season in the Gold tier will receive 2 chest keys and an exclusive Hunter Skin.
Players finishing the Beta season in the Silver tier will receive 1 chest key.
For completing 5 ranked matches, all players will be rewarded with a player banner.
For competing in any ranked matches, all players have a chance to collect ranked-exclusive Occult item drops.
We've temporarily removed the top 10 players list for now while we investigate the stats further. Bear with us.
We look forward to welcoming you all to our next phase of League Rankings.
Last edited by Saikocat; 27th Jul 2015 at 13:43.
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Deep Dive: Nosgoth Leagues Season 1
Posted by Saikocat on the official forum 4 Sep 15
As you may be aware, we announced Nosgoth Leagues "Season 1" for October with both in-game rewards and cash prizes to go along with it. In the time since, we have also been listening very carefully to your feedback regarding Nosgoth competitive play -- so we wanted to let you know how we plan to incorporate it.
First, though, an update: Season 1 will now begin in December so that we can continue to adjust and improve the Nosgoth League competitive experience. And while the date of Season 1 is now moving back a few months, we are still sticking with our previous plans for player rewards starting in October, with a few tweaks based on your feedback.
Speaking of which, here's a quick League schedule and rewards chart for your clarification:
Name of Season/Date & Time/Rewards
Beta 1.2
September 9 – September 15
24 hours per day
Eternal = 3 x Chest Keys
Blood = 2 x Chest Keys
Gold = 1 x Chest Keys
All players who complete 5 ranked matches will receive the Leagues Player Banner if they haven’t already received this during the Alpha/Beta phases
Beta 1.3
September 22 – September 28
Times TBC
Eternal = 3 x Chest Keys
Blood = 2 x Chest Keys
Gold = 1 x Chest Keys
All players who complete 5 ranked matches will receive the Leagues Player Banner if they haven’t already received this during the Alpha/Beta phases
Beta 2
October 1 – October 31
Times TBC
Cash prizes for Eternal players
Total cash prize pool = $10,000
Leagues Skin (Bloody Victor Alchemist) for Blood and above
Eternal = 3 x Chest Keys
Blood = 2 x Chest Keys
Gold = 1 x Chest Keys
Avatar border for each tier
All players who complete 5 ranked matches will receive the Leagues Player Banner if they haven’t already received this during the Alpha/Beta phases
Beta 3
November 1 – November 30
Times TBC
Cash prizes for Eternal players
Total cash prize pool = $10,000
Exclusive content (TBC) for Blood and above
Eternal = 3 x Chest Keys
Blood = 2 x Chest Keys
Gold = 1 x Chest Keys
Avatar border for each tier
All players who complete 5 ranked matches will receive the Leagues Player Banner if they haven’t already received this during the Alpha/Beta phases
Season 1
December 1
Please note that Beta 1.3 will be a Party Series as opposed to a Solo Series. During that Season players will be able to create or join parties of 2, 3 or 4 to play together against other parties. Players can still queue solo and will be matched accordingly. We’ll announce more on Season 1 rewards at a later date.
Our initial focus on the Solo series is to build interest in the competitive side of Nosgoth. Over the past few Alpha and Beta releases we’ve seen an increase in activity in both Ranked and Unranked play, from both hardcore players and new inductees alike. As the competitive scene continues to build interest in the gaming community, we believe this will in turn lead to more growth in the game, across the board, including the ESL tournaments.
Although it is a Solo series (for now), the same core tenants of Nosgoth remain. As such, those that do not play as a team will inevitably struggle to win matches and progress up the ladders, but nonetheless we understand the core of that concern and we’re taking that on board.
With the focus on Team play in mind we have decided to increase the cash prize pool for our ESL players to match that of Nosgoth Leagues for October ($10,000)! We’ll be keeping a very close eye on this scene so we can adapt it to grow the healthiest competitive scene for Nosgoth, in the absence of a Team Series within Nosgoth Leagues.
Aside from this, we know a lot of you had some specific questions, specifically in relation to ongoing issues/bugs with Leagues and about tools and punishments for players who might try to exploit the system. The Alpha and Beta phases have helped us identify a bunch of issues and bugs, a part of the release that’s really invaluable to us during development. It is also why we are extending that Beta to run further tests, and to make even more improvements to Leagues. The team are dedicated to bringing you all a League system that’s suitable to be released along with cash incentivised prizes. We may not get things right immediately, but we are (and will continue to) do everything we can to identify and fix issues when they arise.
A number of these issues can be broken down as follows:
Cheaters – Nosgoth uses the FairFight anti-cheat system, and is something we are monitoring very closely to ensure all hacks and cheats are covered by this system. For a short time before our August 13th patch, there was an exploit present that would have affected this, and allowed a hack to slip through their cracks. Anyone that has been found to use hacks/cheats is automatically disqualified from winning any prizes, and may be banned from the game.With cash prizes in place for the Eternal tier, anyone ranked in that tier is vetted by the system to ensure they haven’t used any hacks or cheats.
Rewarding skill and win ratio over grinding / hours played – We looked into this further to figure out the root of the frustration with this one. This perception comes in part due to how the UI displays your points gained. The UI (currently) doesn’t show the difference between League points you earn for your performance, and those received from the Bonus pool. The Bonus pool does award for playing, but it will only account for about 160 points over the course of a month, for instance. Compared to the couple of thousand that the top of the Eternal League would have, you can see this is a much smaller amount. Rising to the top of the board will still be defined by skill and performance, rather than pure number of hours put in.
Surrender option - Whilst a Surrender Vote isn’t an option we are currently implementing, we’re going to be adjusting the penalty system to alleviate some of the concerns in relation to imbalanced matches where player number are uneven following a leaver. Ahead of Beta 1.3 in September, after one person has quit/left a ranked match, the remaining players will not be punished for subsequent quitting/leaving of that match.
Appropriate punishment for leavers – Following our tweaks and tests during Alpha and Beta, the Leaver Penalty system for Beta 1.2 will break down as follows. Anyone that leaves a competitive match that is in progress will be given a 10 minute matchmaking ban, will be deducted 14 League points, will not be awarded any points from the bonus pool, and will not receive drops, gold or XP for that match.
Bug fixing / performance hot-fixing – Around the launch of Season 1, ensuring you have a smooth experience playing the game that does not result in lag or crashes is our top priority. On August 12th and 13th we pushed a few improvements that cleared up some of the micro-freezes players were reporting, but it continues to be our top priority to ensure that remaining stability issues are resolved, and bugs are squashed.
In game reporting - We are aware that Nosgoth doesn’t currently have in-game player reporting tools and we recognize that there is a need for such tools to operate a healthy community. Reporting tools are currently in development, however they will not be live for the start of Season 1. Until they are implemented, you can use our existing support centre to raise awareness to specific players or situations that you feel need our attention.
Unsporting Behaviour – As above, whilst reporting tools are in development players can use the existing support centre to raise awareness of such player behaviour.
Restricted timing of leagues – During our Alpha and Beta tests, League Rankings was available during a specific time window each day. We will test out running Leagues 24/7 for one week from September 9 and analyse the experience this offers. It is our goal for Seasons to run 24/7 from Season 1 onwards.
Farming – We received a few questions about the possibility of farming the system. With our League Ranking, the matchmaking within this feature is kept separate to the main matchmaking, to address any issues of that nature. The way points are awarded within the system, it also means that this would be ineffective at the higher levels.
Duo Queue – during Beta we had trialled a duo queue system in the Solo series. We will be trialling a Party Series for Beta 1.3 and analysing the feedback we get from players before making any decision as to what will feature for Season 1. Check out the table we posted above for detail on our upcoming tests, so once you’ve taken part in those test, we’d really love to hear what you thought of the matches you played.
Last but not least, we’d like to thank you for your continued feedback and support as Nosgoth continues to grow. Your feedback is critical in improving the experience for everyone in the community; from the weekend gamer to the dedicated teams. Nosgoth Leagues is just getting started and we’re so excited to see what the future holds.
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Nosgoth Leagues - Season 1 Launch This October
Posted by Psyonix_Ryan on the official forum 5 Aug 15
As announced on our official Gamescom Twitch livestream, we have some really exciting news for everyone about Nosgoth’s Leagues.
From October 1st, we will be running the Season 1 of Nosgoth’s League Rankings. Following our Alpha and Beta tests, this will signal the official release of Nosgoth’s competitive Leagues, with an exciting prize structure. At the end of Season 1, we will be giving out some fantastic awards based on where you finish within the League. Players will compete for a top prize of $1,000, with prizes awarded to all players who place in the Bronze tier or above. The top 100 players (globally) each month will receive a cash reward, from the $10,000 a month prize pool.
Here is the full breakdown of the monthly cash prize pool:
1st $1000
2nd $800
3rd $600
4th $450
5th $400
6th $350
7th $300
8th $250
9th $200
10th $150
11th-30th $100
31st-50th $75
51st-75th $50
76th-100th $30
The full breakdown of rewards for Season 1:
Cash Prize in accordance with final position within Tier
Bloody Victor Alchemist Skin (Exclusive to Season 1)
4 x Chest Keys
Eternal Profile Border
Bloody Victor Alchemist Skin (Exclusive to Season 1)
3 x Chest Keys
Blood Profile Border
Bloody Victor Alchemist Skin (Exclusive to Season 1)
2 x Chest Keys
Gold Profile Border
1 x Chest Key
Silver Profile Border
Bronze Profile Border
With our League Rankings, we wanted to create something a little special. Something that not only fosters the competitive nature of the game, but ensures the prizes are more rewarding for a larger number of players. We hope this is just the start of Nosgoth’s competitive gaming future that will be evolving to suit you, the players.
Join our forum, join the discussions, and share your feedback!
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Leagues Party Series From September 22-28
Posted by Saikocat on the official forum 22 Sep 15
For one week starting today, we will be running another test of our League Beta (1.3), this time focusing on our Party Series feature. In comparison to our previous League beta tests, this means that you'll be able to play together with a full party (4) of friends, in ourLeague Rankings mode. This is the first time we're introducing this into Leagues, and as this is our first test of the feature we'd love to hear what you all think once you've tried it out over the next few days.
League Rankings Party Series (ie Beta 1.3):
Will be available from September 22 to 28
From 5pm - 4am BST (9am - 8pm PDT) each day (local timings)
It allows parties of 2, 3 and 4, as well as individual players
Available to players level 10 and over
During this test, we'll be giving out a few rewards at the end, depending on which rank you reached and maintained.
We also be giving out Chest Keys for the following ranks, after the Beta has ended:
Eternal rank players get 3 Chest Keys
Blood rank players get 2 Chest Keys
Gold rank players get 1 Chest Key
Everyone that completes 5 matches will also receive our League Rankings player banner:
Join us later on today (from 5pm BST) for the start of this new League Beta test, and share your feedback here on the forum!
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Leagues Beta 1.3 (Solo Series) From September 22-28
Posted by Saikocat 22 Sep 15
For one week starting today, we will be running another test of our League Beta (1.3). For this test, it will start an hour earlier than our previous tests. Join and share your feedback!
This test doesn't currently include Party Series, but we are looking to update that. We'll keep you posted!
League Rankings Beta 1.3:
Will be available from September 22 to 28
From 5pm - 4am BST (9am - 8pm PDT) each day (local timings)
Available to players level 10 and over
We are working on a few updates to this as well, so stay tuned as we make further improvements.
During this test, we'll be giving out a few rewards at the end, depending on which rank you reached and maintained.
We also be giving out Chest Keys for the following ranks, after the Beta has ended:
Eternal rank players get 3 Chest Keys
Blood rank players get 2 Chest Keys
Gold rank players get 1 Chest Key
Everyone that completes 5 matches will also receive our League Rankings player banner:
Join us later on today (from 5pm BST) for the start of this new League Beta test, and share your feedback on the forum!
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
League Beta 2 (Solo) is LIVE with a $10,000 Prize Pool
Posted by Oghamsmith on the official forum 1 Oct 15
We’ll rain down a shower of steel and wood the likes of which these vile beasts have never seen. They think they can dominate us? They think they can COMMAND US? They know nothing. WE WILL RISE. WE WILL DESTROY THEM!
- Toleth the Tooth Collector
Nosgoth Leagues Beta 2 has arrived, and with this epic clash of Vampires and Humans comes a veritable treasure trove of $$$, keys, exclusive skins and notoriety. Not only will the top 100 players in the Nosgoth Solo League win cash from a $10,000 prize pool, the Bloody Victor Alchemist skin and Chest Keys; but they’ll have their names marked down in the annals of history, ensuring a heroic legacy that only the most elite players can claim.
Don’t manage to quite hit the top 100 players? Fear not, you can still fight your way into the Blood Tier to pick up the Bloody Victor Alchemist skin and Chest Keys!
Join the Fight!
Signing up to the League is as simple as loading up Nosgoth, getting to at least level 10; and agreeing to the Beta 2 League Terms and Conditions. With that done, you’ll want to jump into League matches to start racking up those points and climbing the leaderboard.
The Spoils of War
With plenty of money, bloodied skins and keys up for grabs; you’ll probably want to know how the quartermasters will be divvying up the plunder, right? Feast your eyes on this:
Aiming to get into the top 100 players? These are the $$$ prize positions you’re fighting for.
Vital Statistics
Time to get down to brass tacks. Let’s take a look at a few key league points.
Start & End Date:
Beta League 2 begins on Thursday the 1st of October, and runs until the 1st of November at 3am GMT/31st of October at 11PM EDT.
League Match Times:
League Matches can be played between 15:00 GMT/11AM EDT and 03:00 GMT(the next day)/11PM EDT every day. (European players need to keep daylight savings time in mind)
Square Enix Membership Account Required:
Make sure that you’ve got your Square Enix Membership and Steam accounts linked! You’ll need to do this to be eligible for all prizes.
Age – Not for little Humans:
As Nosgoth is a mature game, participants must of course be at least 18 years of age to play and compete.
Terms and Conditions:
You can check out the Terms & Conditions HERE, you’ll need to agree to those in-game to be eligible for the prizes.
League Structure:
The Nosgoth Solo League Beta 2 will run from the 1st to the 31st of October. During this time your goal is to climb as far up the ladder as possible. You’ll do this by playing well, coordinating with your team; and winning League matches. Should you fall short and lose the match, you will lose League Points, so tread carefully when fighting upon League battlefields.
Your position will be locked in place on the 1st of November at 3AM GMT/31st of October at 11PM EDT.
Once all positions have been verified, in-game prizing will be distributed the following week. Those who make it to the Eternal Leaguewill receive an email from Square Enix detailing the next steps for your prize collection.
Get In-Game, And Get Slaying!
Alright everyone. That’s it for the time being. It’s time to jump in-game and start climbing that ladder!
Should you have any further questions, we’ve put together a super quick FAQ that may answer them. If you’ve still got questions after that, please feel free to pop them in the comments here.
How will monetary prizes be delivered?
PayPal will be the primary method, although those who cannot use PayPal will be able to provide us with your bank account details.
We’re working in conjunction with the fine folks over at ESL to get the monetary prizes to the top 100 players. You’ll receive an email from Square Enix once the season is over with further steps to take.
Will a Team League be coming?
We’re certainly working on getting a Team League into Nosgoth. As our beta progresses we'll talk more about that.
For anyone who wants to play competitively with teams NOW, the fine folks over at ESL are running weekly and monthly tournaments for Nosgoth. We’ve just outlined our plans with ESL in greater detail, you can learn more about them here.
How do I know if my Steam and Square Enix Accounts are linked?
If they’re not linked, you’ll see a prompt to link them whenever you load the game. If you don’t see that prompt, then your accounts are linked. Hooray!
Florida, New York & Rhode Island
Unfortunately, due to a considerable amount of legal red tape in place in these states, players living in any of these regions will not be eligible to win the monetary prize portions of the prize pool. We’re investigating possible solutions to this issue for future Leagueseasons, but this is quite a long, and potentially complex, legal process.
Last edited by Oghamsmith; 6th Oct 2015 at 14:51.
Official Nosgoth Forum Post
Beta League Season 3.0 is Underway – $10,000 & Play with a Friend!
Posted by Oghamsmith on the official forum 3 Nov 15
Those ungrateful humans think that their bows, bullets and explosives scare US? We will teach them. THEY SHALL PAY FOR THEIR INSOLENCE!
We’re pleased to announce that Beta League Season 3.0 is live! Featuring another $10,000 prize pool for Eternal players, a rather sinister skeletal shield skin for those who manage to reach Blood, profile borders; and keys. Beta League Season 3.0 carry’s Season 2.0’s momentum into a brand new season, with the same prizing structure as last month.
But Wait! It’s time to fight with a friend.
There has been much discussion amongst the community, with plenty of people wanting to be able to play with their friends duringLeague. We’ve heard that, and while we’re not quite ready for full party matchmaking; we are testing an updated version of Leaguematchmaking that allows you to party up with one other friend and jump into League games.
Now, this is very much a feature that still needs plenty of testing; so we want as much feedback from you as possible. Please feel free to leave it on whichever forum you frequent the most.
Join the fight!
Signing up to the League is as simple as loading up Nosgoth, getting to at least level 10; and agreeing to the Beta 3.0 League Terms and Conditions. With that done, you’ll want to jump into League matches to start racking up those points and climbing the leaderboard.
The Spoils of War
With plenty of money, skeletal skins and keys up for grabs; you’ll probably want to know how the quartermasters will be divvying up the plunder, right? Feast your eyes on this:
Vital Statistics
Time to get down to brass tacks. Let’s take a look at a few key league points.
Start & End Date:
Beta League 3.0 begins is currently underwayt, and runs until the 1st of December at 3am GMT/31st of November at 11PM EST.
League Match Times:
League Matches can be played between 15:00 GMT/11AM EST and 03:00 GMT(the next day)/11PM EST every day.
Square Enix Membership Account Required:
Make sure that you’ve got your Square Enix Membership and Steam accounts linked! You’ll need to do this to be eligible for all prizes.
Age – Not for little Humans:
As Nosgoth is a mature game, participants must of course be at least 18 years of age to play and compete.
Terms and Conditions:
You can check out the Terms & Conditions HERE, you’ll need to agree to those in-game to be eligible for the prizes.
League Structure:
Nosgoth Beta League 3.0 will run from the until the 30th of November/1st of December. During this time your goal is to climb as far up the ladder as possible. You’ll do this by playing well, coordinating with your team; and winning League matches. Should you fall short and lose the match, you will lose League Points, so tread carefully when fighting upon League battlefields.
Once all positions have been verified, in-game prizing will be distributed the following week. Those who make it to the Eternal Leaguewill receive an email from Square Enix detailing the next steps for your prize collection.
Get In-Game, And Get Slaying!
Alright everyone. That’s it for the time being. It’s time to jump in-game and start climbing that ladder!
Should you have any further questions, we’ve put together a super quick FAQ that may answer them. If you’ve still got questions after that, please feel free to pop them in the comments here.
How will monetary prizes be delivered?
PayPal will be the primary method, although those who cannot use PayPal will be able to provide us with your bank account details.
We’re working in conjunction with the fine folks over at ESL to get the monetary prizes to the top 100 players. You’ll receive an email from Square Enix once the season is over with further steps to take.
How do I know if my Steam and Square Enix Accounts are linked?
If they’re not linked, you’ll see a prompt to link them whenever you load the game. If you don’t see that prompt, then your accounts are linked. Hooray!
Florida, New York & Rhode Island
Unfortunately, due to a considerable amount of legal red tape in place in these states, players living in any of these regions will not be eligible to win the monetary prize portions of the prize pool. We’re investigating possible solutions to this issue for future League seasons, but this is quite a long, and potentially complex, legal process.
League Beta 2.0 Prizing
We published a blog item last week detailing what happens at the end of Beta League 2.0, and when everyone could expect their rewards. Please check out the article for full details.
In addition to the above. I do want to note that we will be working to bring improvements to the League system during the Season. These mainly focus on tightening up the whole experience, which should make for more enjoyable League play for all.