User Interface
In Nosgoth there were numerous options and menus, such as Armoury, Inventory and Settings, below is some short information, pictures and videos relating to them.

Nosgoth Initial Introduction Sequence
When the game initially loaded for the first time or after a significant update the following introduction would play:
Nosgoth Loading Sequence
Every time a player opened the game after their first time of play and the initial introduction sequence had played, they would only receive the game loading screens which consisted of the company logos, the Nosgoth logo and a loading image until the game loaded fully into its user interface.

This was an option in the User Interface that would allow the player to see all the items in they owned and their properties, allowing them to investigate them or delete ones that had expired. Also any item they received such as class level up tokens and end of match rewards would appear here.

The armoury allowed a player to select each of the classes and customise them to their liking, changing their skin, weapons, primary and secondary abilities, talent and their boast or execution.

This allowed a player to begin their journey in Nosgoth or have a refresher on the classes by taking them through a basic tutorial for each class in the game.
Please see the tutorials page for information.
The Forge allowed players to craft their own weapons, giving them unique properties.
Please see the Forge page for information.
The store as the name suggestions was the in-game shop for all things Nosgoth. In this players were able to purchase Runestones, classes, skins, abilities, weapons, banners, founder’s packs, boosters, boasts and executions.
After the relevant item was purchase it would then move to inventory where the user was able to equip the item.

Lobbies were the waiting rooms of Nosgoth, once a player selected their game mode they would be matched to a lobby where they would wait in until all player slots were filled (or if in a Private match the game could be activated early). In the lobby players could use chat functions.

The Profile area gave the user insight into their stats. This could be viewed as the game as a whole, Vampires or Humans and/or each individual class, information included on the stats were such things as kills, deaths, suicides, time survived etc.
On the left hand side of the Profile screen it displayed an image of the chosen class in their current loadouts.

Class Selection
Once a game mode had been selected and the lobby had counted down, after the loading screen and between every death a player would be able to select a character including changing their class to counteract the tactics of their opponents at their time of death.

Ping system
This gave the player pre-set communication options during a match, which would only transmitted to their teammates. The options included such things as enemy locations, that they needed healing, their abilities were on cool-down, and such as the command to follow them. The Ping system allowed players to quickly communicate at the push of a button. The pings would appear in the Text Chat Box but would only be visible to comrades.
Text Chat
Whilst all players were in a lobby they were able to all communicate with each other via text chat.
Once the match had started players were either able to chat to all players using the global text chat option or be able to just communicate with team, meaning players could either generally chat or talk strategies without their enemies knowing.
Voice Chat
Similar to the Text Chat whilst players were in the lobby they could talk using the Voice Chat system, all players would hear what was said.
Once the game had started players were only able to Voice Chat with the people on their team, meaning that their enemies would not know any strategies that were discussed.
The Voice Chat system wasn’t very stable and was glitchy so when used the speech was very broken up.
NosCam was a feature that was introduced during Nosgoth’s beta period and was an option available in the games Play screen.
NosCam was a viewer that allowed a player to view their played games and watch at a later date, which allowed users the ability to record footage and make player videos and also the ability to take screenshots. There were options much like in any player such as play, pause, fast-forward, rewind and stop.
There were three options in NosCam which allowed players to view the footage, from player view, free view and locked view; each one changed the cameras position for ease of recording or screen shots.
NosCam allowed players to store up to five match recordings, as games were played the files would be overwritten unless they were archived which allowed players to store an infinite amount of games. After a game update though, users were unable to view old files from previous updates.
Sadly NosCam files only allowed players to view their files through running the game so these video files are no longer able to be accessed since the game has gone offline.

Game Modes
There were three game modes accessible of the Play menu these were Team Deathmatch, Flashpoint and Capture the Body.
For information on the Game Modes available in Nosgoth please see the Game Modes page.
Nosgoth had a few options and settings which allowed a user to tweak the game and how it ran, the options were very standard much like a user would find in any other game. The options allowed users to amend: Game (different options in the game itself), Binding (key-bindings and their settings), Video options (graphics) and Audio options (sounds).

Twitch TV
There was also a Twitch feature added to the game later on in its development which allowed the user to enter their Twitch information so the game could automatically be streamed on their channel.
The credits for the game were also located in the Settings area, these were updated over time, so the credits that were available through Alpha were different to those in Closed Beta and Open Beta, with individuals/companies being added or removed.
The credits shared on this site are those that were viewable within the last month of the games life, therefore, they do not include people or companies who were originally credited at earlier stages of the game.
Death Screens
In Nosgoth when a players character had died they were shown stats from thei last life, including how long they lived, how many kills they made and how many assists they inflicted. Also whilst they were in the dead state being shown their stats there was also a Kill Cam which showed the players actions that killed them.

Scoreboards - End of Round/Match Screens
At the end of a Nosgoth Round or Match the players would be shown the match stats for a short period of time. If this period was the intermission between Rounds then the players would automatically be switched to the opposite race. If it was the end of a Match then the players would be shown the final match scores, and then their rewards for the match completion, after which they would then be returned to the lobby.