Woohoo we’re alive...well undead!

Hi everyone
Here we go our first ever blog article…
So the official Nosgoth website went offline yesterday (1 June 16), so the time has now come for me to share something small with you all…the vanilla launch of the Tales of Nosgoth website: www.talesofnosgoth.co.uk
I’ll explain a little more…
“But it’s really tiny and there are loads of blank pages, what are you doing?????”
We've been playing Nosgoth of course :P
Seriously though so this is what I put together with some spare time around playing the game. I spoke to various fans and asked their opinions on the way forward and it was suggested to launch the basic site now with just the blog entries (once the official site had gone offline just in case there were any legal issues with it being available at the same time) and then grow the site from there with all the really cool stuff.
I have to say I 100% agree with the fans I’ve spoken with and would rather there is something available for now rather than holding off and not launching anything until it is near completion which would take months and months and months.
Over the coming months I will be going through my Nosgoth drive, as well as all the stuff shared on the Facebook Group to gather and share all the official videos, screenshots and artwork etc.
I’ll also be looking at adding fan projects shortly, so if I’ve approached you and you have agreed to be featured on the site please send me links to your work and also your personal bio and introduction to your fanwork (two separate articles please). If I haven’t approached you and you do have a Nosgoth related fan project please do not hesitate to contact me!
Also I ask if you have made gameplay videos, trailers, artwork, cosplay or anything of the sort please do not hesitate to post on the Tales of Nosgoth Forum or Facebook Group or message me so I can add it to the fan works section on the site!
As I say the site is very basic for now but as of next week my real work begins to start to grow it into (hopefully) the legacy Nosgoth deserves! But with all that said I ask of you all to please be patient with me, as the site will be developed in my spare time.
Thank you to everyone so far for all the stuff you’ve shared in the Facebook Group - you've all been fangtastic!