Tales of Nosgoth - Status Update 26 Sep 2017

Hi everyone
I just wanted to give you a bit of a low-down on the site and where it’s now at…
So everything has now been added to the site that I’d gathered (that’s worth adding) and everything that’s been submitted by members (be it official or fan stuff) via email and the Facebook group.
So what it’s the end? Nah…it’s not the end of it…
I still have around 900 videos I recorded to sort through to see what’s worth sharing and what’s complete rubbish. The good stuff such as reference videos, map tours etc I’ll upload to the Tales of Nosgoth Youtube channel and then link via the site.
I’ll also be adding some matches and funny things to my personal Youtube channel. I think I must have recorded nearly every match for about a month so most will be complete twaddle and not worth sharing. I’ll be sure to add links to the good ones on the player contributed videos area on the site.
I also know I still have the Tales of Nosgoth Card Game to release but this needs a print test to check the quality of the cards and that everything still plays ok, but due to life I haven’t been able to get this printed yet, so watch this space.
Of course I’ll still be adding any content anyone submits to the site. If you have something you would like added, please share it in the Facebook Group (remember to message me though so I know you’d like it added to the site), send me a PM or an email with your content.
For now, though I’m going to take a short break for about a month or so before I start seriously reviewing the videos, I’m just going to take a little time to sit on the bench enjoy the view a while.
Anyway that’s kind of all that I think needs to be said at the moment, well apart from a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to everyone for submitting everything they have to the site and making it a good reference for all things that are Nosgoth.
Thank you as always for stopping by – and catch you soon!
Lucinvampire :)